Purposes of a dam

Purposes of a dam

The purposes of a dam are

  1. Irrigation
  2. Drinking water supply
  3. Hydro-Electric power generation
  4. Industrial purposes
  5. Flood control
  6. Fish farming
  7. Recreational purposes
  8. Storage of water for navigation
  9. Multi-purpose reservoir


Stored water in the dam is mainly used for irrigation purposes. Rainfall is not evenly distributed throughout the year. The dam is used to store the surplus water available during the rainy season which otherwise flows into the sea. The water thus stored is used for irrigation purposes during dry months.

Drinking water supply

In areas of groundwater shortage, the stored water in the dam can be used as a very good source of drinking water supply in towns and cities.

Hydro-Electric power generation

If an adequate head of water (potential energy) is available in the reservoir of the dam, It is used for power generation in hydel power plants.

Industrial purposes

Dams are used to supply water for industrial purposes.

Flood control

If heavy flood water in a river is left un-obstructed, it will result in heavy loss of human lives and cause heavy damage to bridges, roads, etc, The dam across the river acts as a good flood control measure by letting out the quantity of water.

Fish farming

The dam forms an excellent base for breeding fish, because of the continuous availability of water.

Recreational purposes

The dam serves as ad excellent place for recreation such as boating, swimming, etc. Thus, the dam makes it a place of tourism importance.

Storage of water for navigation

In some places, reservoirs are constructed and the backwater of the reservoir provides a very deep channel for navigation.

Multi-purposes reservoir

A reservoir is planned, designed and constructed to serve multi-purposes such as irrigation, drinking water supply, hydro-electric power generation, industrial purposes, flood control, fish farming, Recreational purposes and navigation.

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