Factory governing selection of site for dam

Factors governing the selection of the site for a dam

The selection of the site for a dam is

catchment area

The catchment area should be able to contribute an adequate supply of water to the reservoir of the dam

Foundation soil

Sound foundation soil should be available at the site to carry a heavy load. For earth dams, any type of foundation is suitable. however, for gravity or concrete or masonry dams, sound rocks at the surface or within a reasonable depth, are essential. Foundation is important for The selection of the site for a dam.


The balance of ecology (means nature environment) should not be disturbed.

River cross-section at the site

The river cross-section at the site should have a narrow gorge (valley) to allow largely should be minimum for the intended storage of water.

Height of the dam

The dam cost is proportional to the square of the dam heigh. Therefore, the height should be minimum for the intended storage of water.

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Storage capacity

The dam should provide adequate storage capacity for the reservoir.

Worlds largest dam list based on storage capacity


The dam should have minimum construction and maintenance costs.

reservoir silting

The site should be such that reservoir silting is minimum


A suitable location for the spillway should be available in the near vicinity


The value of the land submerged by the proposed dam should be as low as possible. It should be less than the benefits expected from the dam. The rehabilitation of the people displaced due to submergence is a problem to be tackled in the case of large dams.


The bed level of the dam should preferably be on a higher level than that of the river basin to facilitate drainage.


The reservoir should be water-tight. Otherwise, the stored water may escape through its bed and banks.


The topography of the site should be such that the length of the dam should be as small as possible. Also, for a given height, the storage capacity should be as high as possible. Therefore, the river valley at the site should be as narrow as possible for maximum storage capacity.

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